Catch a Glimpse Official Music Video

Catch a Glimpse is the award-winning official animated music video for their new song ‘Dark Energy’ in collaboration with Sundstedt Animation.

Catch A Glimpse – Dark Energy.
313,469 views, 2.4K likes on YouTube

This is our latest award-winning handcrafted music video for the band Catch a glimpse song ‘Dark Energy’, from their album ‘75005’. Sundstedt Animation is an award-winning 2D/2.5D animation studio in Scotland, creating unique, 100% custom made and original handcrafted animations for international artists. Catch the glimpse reached out to Sundstedt Animation directly to make the official animated music video for the new song ‘Dark Energy’ for their 10 tracks debut album ‘75005’, released on August 9th, 2019.

Catch a Glimpse - Music Video - Sundstedt Animation


Artist/Band: Catch a glimpse
Genre: HER (hard electro rock)
Director: Anders Sundstedt
Illustration: Anders Sundstedt
Character Design: Anders Sundstedt
Storyboard: Anders Sundstedt
Animation: Anders Sundstedt
Editing: Anders Sundstedt
VFX: Anders Sundstedt
Animation Studio: Sundstedt Animation
Category: Animated Music Video
Style: 2D/2.5D Animation
Length: 04:46

Sundstedt Animation Animated Music Video Production - Laptop Banner-1180p

Are you an artist, musician, producer, or agent interested in a handcrafted, custom made, professional animated music video or lyric video for your song? If so, please do get in touch to discuss your project today. You can use the contact form or the email address at the top of the website page. Please do provide details.

Catch a glimpse Dark Energy Official Music Video by Sundstedt Animation Launch Pad

Catch a glimpse is a HER (hard electro-rock) music band founded by Alexander & Jacques Valkenberg in 2019. Their music and this song is inspired by the 80’s with harder guitar sounds. The resulting video is a handcrafted 4 minute 46 seconds 2D animated film. This animated music video has been praised by the band Catch a glimpse and has received 2000 YouTube views just within the first day. Our focus is on the creation of quality, unique animated music videos. You can read more about this ‘Dark Energy’ official music video below and get in touch to make your next music video.


The Challenge

We discussed directly with Catch a glimpse about the basic idea for the story and what kind of video to create. They wanted a bit darker, more emotional video, taking place on earth and in space, rather than our often happy and funny videos with very bright colors. Time was taken to perfect the style, color choices, color grading, background artwork, character design, visual effects, and lighting.

Dark Energy Music Video made by Sundstedt Animation

Working with Catch a glimpse was a great experience. Their basic idea for the story helped us to get started with the creation of concept art, design, visual style development, and illustration. It also helped when we created the detailed storyboard for this animated music video. Due to the video being very long (4 min 46 seconds) and with a large number of shots, the timings for each shot had to be planned down to seconds. We planned the camera positions, the basic layout of each shot, consistency in lighting and styling, all to have a more fluid and natural transition between each shot.

Girl Watching Launch - Sundstedt Animation

The Solution

The first stage included deciding on the visual style, look, colors, background artwork, scenery, and character designs. The main characters are an astronaut and his girlfriend back on earth, directly based on song lyrics ‘smooth red lips’. We went with a 2D/2.5D cut-out animation style and looked at the storyboard and figured out what design and artwork would work best for this music video as it is mainly taking place in the universe, far away from earth for the majority of the animation.

Dark Energy Music Video by Sundstedt Animation - Rocket Passing Sun

The rough story idea was discussed during an initial call at the start of the project. They wanted us to create a storyboard and work out all the shots and timings. We then provided a lot of different examples and concept art, to help decide on the videos artwork, including spending a lot of time perfecting the character designs and animation, making the high-quality background illustrations for the different scenes, including the launch pad area, the solar system, the space rocket exterior and interior cockpit, the foreign planet, stars, asteroids, and many addition spacecraft designs that our hero is passing during his space travels.

Rocket Passing Asteroids - Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation

We had the shots planned out in detail during the storyboarding, which we spend a few days on early on. The story includes several scenes in the cockpit and outside the rocket, and they are all quite dark and gloomy, and with some realism, for example, no cartoon smoke trails behind the rocket in space, as that’s not physically correct. We also provided a lot of color grading options so the client could provide some input on which of the many options they would prefer. But they preferred left all the decisions to us instead of this.

Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation (0-03-03-14)

All artwork and animations including characters, props, backgrounds, lighting, effects, and grading were as always created from scratch by Anders Sundstedt. The style of the animation is quite dark and all artwork is 100% custom made, including all visual effects and background scenery. For example, we created our own cartoon style effects rather than stock or templates. This video required a large number of shots, which is something we’ve not done so much before in previous animation projects.

We wanted this official music video to have feelings and hope in the song, music, and lyrics. We wanted to make a detailed animated music video with quality artwork, 2.5D effects, lighting, backgrounds, characters, and animations, using our own personal style and different than our previous videos. We figured out the best way of solving the challenges in bringing the script to life, first using extensive storyboards and then the visual design concepts and artwork.

Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation Best Music Video Winner

The production timeframe was 8-10 weeks and very busy, but as always we delivered the video on time. A lot of decisions had to be made on the visual style, techniques, character designs, camera movements, lighting, shadows and the scenery artwork and the compositing. We kept the artist updated frequently on progress and delivered a few teaser clips of the animation. This openness is how we prefer to work with artists.

Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation (0-03-19-18)

Based on the rough idea for the story, we went ahead and developed the look and the later the storyboard for all shots of the animated music video, which was unusually challenging due to the many scenes and shots. We had to work our the exact timings to match the song lyrics and animate characters and lighting, to get the speed, timings, and the transitions and camera change right.

Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation (0-02-56-02)

A central thing was working out how to design the main character and the different shots needed, such as asteroid fields, stars, and planets, where most scenes take place. We made a few separate animation tests to have characters and effects worked out before incorporating this into all the animated scenes of the storyboard. A big challenge was the astronaut character as he is walking around and is his helmet is rotating while the animation is cut-out style, so the “3D” rotation of the space helmet was created using layers and masks. The same with all reflections in the glass, all animated manually as there are no 3D elements in this video.

Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation (0-03-29-06)

Looking for a custom made animated music video? Let’s chat!

We love making animated music videos with custom made background artwork, original characters, and animations, with the full creative freedom to design everything from the ground up. It was also a chance to create a storyboard from scratch, directly inspired by the basic idea from the band, and again without any agency or 3rd parties involved.

Astronaut - Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation

This is how we usually work when making our official animated music video productions. With full creative freedom and the responsibility to design, draw, illustrate and animate the whole video based on the storyboard and initial script concept.

Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation - Nebula

As mentioned, the music video was completed on time within the deadline. On completion, we made a few adjustments to the character design of the girl and the walking animations. In total, we worked on the video for about 9-10 weeks, including the initial brief, visual design, art direction, storyboarding, artwork, background design and compositing, illustrations, shot compositing, camera animations, effects, animation, post, color grading, and video editing.

Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation (0-04-40-18)


The animated music video has received 140,643 views on the band’s YouTube channel in the first 3 weeks. The channel was created 11th Sep 2019 now has 9.26K subscribers.

Upon completion, Anders presented and delivered the animated music video and Catch a glimpse was really happy with the result. This official animated music video is being shown online, on YouTube, on the band website and more. We have helped by promoting the video on social media including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and this website page.

Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation (0-04-43-04)

WINNER – BEST MUSIC VIDEO – Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival 2019

Best Music Video Winner Award - Sundstedt Animation 2019 1180x

Our latest award-winning official animated music video ‘Dark Energy’ for Catch a Glimpse won the Best Music Video Award.
Dark Energy Music Video - Sundstedt Animation - Winner of Best Music Video 2019Notification Date: January 10, 2020. Event date: Friday, January 25th, 2020 at the Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival in Moscow, Russian Federation.

Winner - Best Music Video - Sundstedt Animation

SEMI-FINALIST – Motion For Pictures – Dark Energy – Sundstedt Animation 2020

SEMI-FINALIST - Motion For Pictures - Dark Energy - Sundstedt Animation - 2020

Motion for pictures - Logo - Film Festival - 2020 - Sundstedt Animation

OFFICIAL SELECTION – Golden Short Film Festival – Golden Music Video Category 2020


OFFICIAL SELECTION – The BeBop Channel Content Festival 2020

OFFICIAL SELECTION-The BeBop ChannelContentFestival-2020-DarkEnergy-Sundstedt Animation

Our animated music video ‘Dark Energy‘ for Catch a glimpse has been officially selected for the The BeBop Channel Content Festival. Notification Date: January 22, 2020. Event date: June 4th, 2020 at the The BeBop Channel Content Festival, Harlem, New York.

beboptv folmfestival 2020 Sundstedt Animation

Film Festival Notes

The film festival Sunday Shorts Films provided the following submission notes: “Nice animation and great music. The start of the video is quite intriguing as it opens with an action such as the character flying into space and starting his adventure. The animation includes a pleasing colour palette with contrasting tones which also help shape the variety of moods and atmospheres throughout the video. Good editing pace and also some cool effects and transitions.”
Sunday Shorts
Sunday Shorts Film Festival


Catch a glimpse has promised a testimonial for this animated music video. In the meantime, the client feedback on the finished video: “I think it is a great video, congratulations! Again thanks for your work!”
Alexander Valkenberg
Catch a glimpse

Dark Energy Official Animated Music Video by Sundstedt Animation

Behind The Scenes

Samples from a character and internal storyboard pages by Anders Sundstedt.

Spacecrafts Artwork Illustrations - Sundstedt Animation

Feel free to hit us back with any questions or ideas. If you’re still not sure about the benefits of an animated music video for your song, then please have a look at these articles and pages:

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