Animated Illustrations Music Video for Phyllis Sinclair

Posted on Sunday, 18 July 2021

2D Animation / Music Loop Project for music video

We made animated images, rich in clarity and colour, to create an animation / music loop project with one scene for the artist Phyllis Sinclair new song Wawatay Eh Nimihitocik. There is only one scene, but which are alive with colour, detail, multiple camera shots and variations.

Phyllis Sinclair – Wawatay Eh Nimihitocik (Official Music Video)

This video was directed by Anders Sundstedt and produced by Sundstedt Animation, in collaboration with the artist Phyllis Sinclair. The idea for the video, with the woman and northern lights, was provided by Phyllis. We then took that idea and developed it into this animated scene. The woman in the animation is based on Phyllis, the singer and songwriter.

Animated Loop Music Video by Anders Sundstedt

Looping Illustrations Music Videos

In particular, we used hand-drawn backgrounds and characters, combined with animated details such as wind and snow. With the character interacting with the fox in the video, looking at each other, it makes it more unique than a still image would do. We also made a few shots of the fox on it’s own, and with the northern lights, to create more variations and details.

looping illustration music video example

2D character based animated loops

The animated loop music videos we make are made to promote an artist or song. There are many kinds of music videos. Filmed videos, animated videos, animated loop illustrations and animated lyric videos etc. We make many types of animated music videos. 2D character based animated loop is one kind of animated loop we can do for a song.

an innovative music video that made waves

Specially designed for your song

2D animated loops are one option we can create for your song, where there is not a whole linear storyline with a storyboard and script. Instead, it’s a loop animated illustration or illustrations, specially designed for your song. Compelling, thought-provoking (otional) visuals. We love the collaboration with the artist, that reached out to us to make the animated video.

Animation and Design by Anders Sundstedt

Shots and loops

In this animated music video project, we took the animated loop idea further, by making some additional shots and variations, while still being one scenery. The clip has a few different camera shots, close-ups, a fox running by, close-ups at different parts of the scene, and a variation in the background northern lights animation, plus a shooting start in the end. We also made some parts as animated lyric videos, and used camera pans to improve it further. A lot more work than one looping image, to make ir more like a full animated music video.

2d animated loops music videos production by Sundstedt Animation

Complexity and options

Depending on your music video budget, we can make one looping animation / animated illustration, which cost less, or a more complex video like this one with the added camera shots and variations, that cost a bit more. Of course, there is also the option to make a whole storyline / linear story animated music video with a script, which is the most expensive of the three.


“They say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In the case of Sundstedt Animation, a picture is worth far more. What can be said of images so rich in clarity, and in colour, that one stays transfixed, absorbing their meaning through sensitively made expressions and interpretations? In my case, there was only one scene. However, that one scene was made so expressively that all who viewed commented on how, in its uncluttered elegance, it upheld and supported the song in a rich and meaningful way. Anders keeps the client’s wishes at the forefront, never wanting to deviate from the clients purpose and goal. A meticulous, and sensitive artist, his creations are alive with colour and fluidity. I will not hesitate to get Sundstedt Animation on board for my next animation project. Easy, friendly, professional, beautiful.”
Phyllis Sinclair

P.S: if you ever need help with animation production, Sundstedt Animation can help! Just hit us up here. We’d love to hear from you!

If you have a new song and are serious about making an animated music video or lyric video for your new song, please do send me an email with details, to discuss options. Thanks for reading and visiting Sundstedt Animation, we really appreciate your interest. Hopefully, we can do an awesome music video together sometime!

Our innovative videos are created in full 1080p HD as standard

Feel free to hit us back with any questions about our animated music video production services. If you’re still not sure about the benefits of animated music videos, then please have a look at these articles and pages:

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