Educational Animation

Educational Animation - Animations for teaching and education

Animations For Teaching & Education

We have a long history of making quality and engaging animated videos for children and adults. We love using our experience to create entertaining and educational animated videos for adults and kids for a variety of purposes, non-profit and industries.

Whether it’s a fun and engaging educational YouTube series, animation for a website, or an online course with animated training videos, it’s key to really engage the viewer throughout the video. We are an award winning animation studio, and have worked with some of worlds largest organisations and companies. Clients include The International Diabetes Federation, Glasgow University, Glasgow City Council, North Ayrshire Youth Services and Microsoft.

Take a look at the videos below to see how we made our clients’ ideas in to entertaining, animated educational & teaching videos. Whether it’s a multi-character driven educational whiteboard video about kids and diabetes, or a series of animated videos for young people about how to stay safe from alcohol and drugs, we can help create educational, teaching animations.

International Diabetes Federation – John’s Story

International Diabetes Federation teamed up with Sundstedt Animation to make an animated educational film about Taking Diabetes To Heart. IDF is a worldwide alliance of over 230 national diabetes associations in more than 160 countries and is associated with the DPI of the UN & in official relations with the WHO.

IDF – Taking diabetes to heart – John’s story – Sundstedt Animation

“Video used to be a hassle, but with advances in the consumer video market, it’s an extremely accessible medium for your training department”
– Mark Dorosz

ADP Animated Series – North Ayrshire Youth Services

The client asked us to direct, design, illustrate and animate a series of 7 short animated videos for the ADP (Alcohol and Drugs Project), North Ayrshire Youth Services, North Ayrshire Council. Each videos is around 45 seconds long and only 1-2 scenes each. You can watch Video 1 below and then read more about the project and watch all 7 of the videos on the ADP project page.

ADP – North Ayrshire Youth Service – Video 1/7 – Sundstedt Animation

“Videos provide greater engagement than text or images for the simple reason that it combines audio, video and text… It helps to know that your audience is already watching tons of videos online and accepts video as a format for information delivery.”
– Amit Garg

IDF – KiDS Educational Awareness Whiteboard Video

The International Diabetes Federation Kids and Diabetes in School Project (KiDS) aims to foster a safe and supportive environment that creates a better understanding of diabetes and supports children with this condition. It also provides information about type 2 diabetes can be prevented by making effective lifestyle choices.

IDF – KiDS and diabetes in school – Animated Educational Awareness Whiteboard Video – Sundstedt Animation

“While some businesses may still go the traditional route of offering sizable binders and packets containing the necessary protocol, it’s the training videos that tend to offer more value to employees.”
– Kyle O’Brien

Glasgow University Animated Educational Video

Glasgow University Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning teamed up with Sundstedt Animation to make an animated educational video about Centre for Sustainable Healthy Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC).

SHLC – Centre for Sustainable Healthy Learning Cities (2022)

“In addition to enhancing learning, video can also reduce training time. It’s easier and takes less time to watch a well-made video than it does to read through pages of dense text or complicated diagrams to grasp a concept.”
– Andy Cole

Eco-Schools Animated Educational Video

A 2D animation about a program they are running with schools.

Eco-Schools 2D Animated Video

“Animations easily visualize and simplify anything no matter how complex it is. One minute of online video equates to about 1.8 million written words”
– Dr.James L. McQuivey from Forrester Research

Glasgow City Council Animated Explainer Video

Glasgow City Council Road Safety Unit teamed up with Anders Sundstedt at Sundstedt Animation to make a premium, handcrafted animated educational video to promote active school travel. With this animated video, we found a way to get people excited about road safety. The Active School Travel Programme is an exciting initiative for schools who wish to see more of their pupils choosing an active and healthy journey to school.

Promoting Active School Travel – Glasgow City Council

Read more about our animated video services here…

Explainer video production service
Why should I get an explainer video?
Does my startup company need an explainer video?
How to create an animated explainer video
Healthcare explainer video production services
What is the best explainer video style for your business?
The power of animated explainer videos

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