Glasgow City Council Animated Explainer Video

Partner with us to make a premium animated explainer video. Let’s chat!

Promoting Active School Travel – Glasgow City Council (2019)

Glasgow City Council Road Safety Unit teamed up with Anders Sundstedt at Sundstedt Animation to make a premium, handcrafted animated explainer video – Promoting Active School Travel. With this animated explainer video, we found a way to get people excited about road safety.


Client: Glasgow City Council – Road Safety Unit
Partner: Go Safe Glasgow – Road Safety Partnership
Category: 2D Animation
Style: Animated Explainer Video
Animation Studio: Sundstedt Animation
Director: Anders Sundstedt
Artwork: Anders Sundstedt
Designer: Anders Sundstedt
Illustrator: Anders Sundstedt
Animator: Anders Sundstedt
Character Designer: Anders Sundstedt
Compositor: Anders Sundstedt
Graphic Designer: Anders Sundstedt
Editor: Anders Sundstedt
Script & Voice-Over: Neil Macgillivray
Length: 01:53

Partner with us to make a premium quality 2D animation. Let’s chat!

The Challenge

Glasgow City Council - Sundstedt Animation

Glasgow City Council came to Sundstedt Animation interested in working with us, wanting to develop an exciting animated explainer video for their new big campaign. The animation will be used by Glasgow’s Road Safety Unit to promote active travel to school and the implementation of new ‘school car-free zones’ in 2019. The Active School Travel Programme is an exciting initiative for schools who wish to see more of their pupils choosing an active and healthy journey to school.

About Go Safe Glasgow

The Go Safe Glasgow Road Safety Partnership brings together a wealth of experience and includes representatives from Glasgow City Council, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Glasgow Community and Safety Services.

Go Safe Glasgow - Sundstedt Animation

The Solution

We presented Glasgow City Council with options in animation techniques, styles and methods. We suggested using 2D animation that would be compelling and fun to watch. We asked the client to provide a script for the video.

It was a perfect match. Anders Sundstedt created all the designs, graphics, artwork, character designs and illustrations for the video content for all scenes in the animation in his own unique style. We decided to go for a premium quality design with detailed illustrations, background compositions and with cinematic camera moves used throughout the video.

Glasgow City Council Explainer Video by Sundstedt Animation

The client was presented with many character designs for approval. This video features 13 different characters and many large and detailed 2D background designs and artwork, which took up a large part of the video production timeframe. We wanted to make sure everything looked great and we had all characters, props and backgrounds artwork designed and approved by the client before animation started.

Promoting Active School Travel - Glasgow City Council Road Safety Unit

We asked the client to provide the voice-over artist selection and recording. We talked in great detail with the scriptwriter and VO artist, explained what to think about regarding 2D animation and made some suggestions on the best ways of animating each scene and feasibility.

Glasgow City Council Animated Explainer Video

We communicated regularly with the scriptwriter and the client throughout the production of this animated video, for approval of all artwork content and to ask them questions about the video, characters and our suggested end title screen. Finally, we put it all together, adding final touches, VO and music.

Promoting Active School Travel - Glasgow City Council - Sundstedt Animation

The video has been completed and is to be live sometime this summer, but an information page should be up and running on the Glasgow City Council website in the next month. It will also be on the School Travel Plan page on very soon as well.


When measuring the success for an animated campaign & awareness video content like this one, it is best done by looking at social engagement, for example the number of views, visits, shares, likes & traffic to your website, here with the goal to promote active travel to school and the implementation of new ‘school car-free zones’ in 2019.

Glasgow City Council Road Safety Unit Explainer Video - Sundstedt Animation

The fundamental aim of the program is providing schools with the skills and knowledge to get more children walking, cycling and scooting as their main mode of transport to school. For us the actual reward is that they trusted us to produce this video for such an important goal of promoting active school travel and road safety, helping to save lives and promoting healthy living.

Go Safe Glasgow - Road Safety Partnership - Sundstedt Animation

Behind The Scenes

This gallery show some work in progress, sketches, character design concepts, behind the scenes images and other images from the Promoting Active School Travel animation by Sundstedt Animation.

Dog Biscuit Design - Sundstedt Animation - Behind The Scenes Sketch
Eye Blink Expression After Effects - Sundstedt Animation
Mother Character Walking Variants - Sundstedt Animation
Behind The Scenes - School Pupil - Sundstedt Animation
Claire-Character-Design-Sundstedt Animation
Behind The Scenes - Sundstedt Animation


“I have collaborated with Anders on different projects over the past year. As a voice-over artist, I appreciate his ability to give clear direction as to what is required and he always pays great attention to detail ensuring that animation and voice fit perfectly. He is also a good guy to work with generally and we have enjoyed close co-operation in working together.”
Neil Macgillivray
Neil Macgillivray Voice-over

Read more about our animated explainer videos here…

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