DPRAA Animated Explainer Video

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DPRAA Animated Explainer Video: The Dental Practice Rating Association of America (DPRAA) is the leading professional rating organization for dental practices in the United States.

DPRAA Animated Explainer Video (4K) – Sundstedt Animation


Client: DPRAA
Category: Explainer Video
Style: 2D Animation
Animation Studio : Sundstedt Animation
Directed By: Sundstedt Animation
Script & Storyboard: DPRAA
Creative Director: Anders Sundstedt
Design : Anders Sundstedt
Character Art Direction: Anders Sundstedt
Character Design: Anders Sundstedt
2D Animation & Composite: Anders Sundstedt
Animation Producer : Anders Sundstedt
Background Design: Anders Sundstedt
Prop Design: Anders Sundstedt
Sound FX / Audio Mixing: Anders Sundstedt
Editor: Anders Sundstedt
Length: 01:49

The Challenge

Are you looking for a new dentist? How do you know which dentist is the best choice for you? Meet DPRAA: The goal of the DPRAA is to provide dental patients with information and tools to select the best dental practices in terms of unparalleled quality care, customer service, amenities, and ambiance. DPRAA came to us looking for a creative animated explainer video to present their association to dental patients. The video by Sundstedt Animation will be the main introduction for the DPRAA site so it was very important for it to be right. For DPRAA, it was important to use a character-based story, so we used characters and animation to make the video visually stimulating. With this animated explainer video, we found a way to get people excited about DPRAA.

DPRAA Angry Dentist - Sundstedt Animation

The Solution

We asked the client to provide a script and stick-figure storyboard for the DPRAA Animated Explainer Video. We then came up with the visual style, designs, characters, artwork and backgrounds for the video, all handcrafted from scratch. We decided to go for a detailed design of high complexity in animation and artwork, including walking characters. We designed the characters and this video features a lot of characters, so artwork and illustration took a long time to create. We wanted to make sure everything looked cohesive and we had all characters and scenery approved by the client before animation. We even shot and studied real video footage of us typing on a keyboard, for reference to one scene where the character is typing, to make it look more alive and convincing. Then the voice-over was recorded and animation of each scene started, based loosely on the approved storyboard for the DPRAA Animated Explainer Video.

approval of completed designs and animations - Sundstedt Animation

We communicated regularly with the client throughout the production, for approval of completed designs and animations. Finally, we put it all together and we added sound effects and carefully applied our post-production secret sauce. The client liked the video we made! They had many people view the video in a test viewing to get input and we then went ahead and implemented a few changes suggested after discussing the benefits and options with the client, to satisfy any concerns. The client was very happy with the changes and finally, we delivered the DPRAA Animated Explainer Video to the client for use as the main intro to their official website landing page:


Behind The Scenes

This gallery shows some work in progress and behind the scenes images from the DPRAA Animated Explainer Video production, including unused items.

Motion Design Services
Motion Graphics Team Players
Glasgow Animation Studio Design

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