Need a Music Video Animation?

Posted on Thursday, 8 April 2021

Need a Music Video Animation

Need a Music Video Animation?

Sundstedt Animation is an award winning animated music videos studio based in Scotland. A Top Animated Music Video Production Company in the UK.

Do you need an animated music video for your song?

We believe your animated music videos should display your idea and vision in the most entertaining way. Animated music videos is what we do and are known for the best. All of our awards are for animated music videos.

Animated music videos to fit your song perfectly

Music videos can seamlessly fit with your bands identity

Animated video is a fantastic, creative, engaging and different way to get your song across to a wider audience online. It’s fun and entertaining, and we create them in-house. Our animated music videos can seamlessly fit with your bands identity, style and the songs lyrics.

Animated Music Videos are very popular videos and are the perfect way to exhibit your vision. We make sure that the videos is doing so for your song.

Simply get in touch to get your animated music videos, made by an award-winning professional.

Award winner - Anders Sundstedt

Vibrant animated music video production

The majority of animated music videos production companies play it too safe. They offer simple, quickly made video using stock images, stock artwork and stock characters. But at Sundstedt Animation, we know that getting your song vision a reality, you really have to put in the work and don’t take shortcuts. You need your video to be original, custom made. Created by humans, that care about making your video special and unique.

Animated Music videos created by Sundstedt Animation

Sundstedt Animation is an independent, vibrant animated music videos production and 2d animated video studio based near Glasgow, Scotland. We handcraft special, quirky and different music videos with purpose.

Although we are based in Scotland, we truly work with different clients all across world and in many different sectors, including health, non-profits, councils and private companies.

Animated Rap Videos by Sundstedt Animation

top quality animated music videos for artists

Please do have a look at the impressive collection of award-winning and award-nominated animated music videos made by Anders Sundstedt. You can see for yourself his personal design styles, and how his focus is on detail and quality in making top quality animated music videos for artists.

Artist audiences do love animated music videos because they help get the message of the song accross, they are entertaining and this makes them superb for giving an extra dimension to your vision.

Looking for original animated video?

All of our award-winning animated music videos have a unique, custum made, personal and individual spark. Because they are both designed, illustrated and animated by Anders Sundstedt over a long period, typically 10-12 weeks of intense, focused and hard work, using his vivid imagination, design and advanced technical skills.

Francis Martin – Mind Come Up (Trinity) [Official Music Video]

Film-festival nominations and awards

Whether you are an independent artist or a big famous artist, we have the skills and experience to make you the perfect music video that your song deserves.

Many artists have commissioned us to make animated music videos with impressive results, including 18 Award Winner at international film festivals.

Awards Price Ranges Page - Sundstedt Animation

Music videos are a great idea now during lockdown, when artist touring and live performances are not possible. Especially animated music videos, since they don’t require shooting and filming any footage for your video.

Francis Martin - Trinity - Music Video (0-01-26-12)

Production process and styles

We have come up with our own production process and styles, that combine 2D animation with optional additional text elements (lyrics). This meant that the animation could have lyrics added if this is what you prefer. Of course, to make a video work both with or without lyrics, or partial lyrics, the video needs to be fully animated and strong enough to work without lyrics.

Star Sky and Moon Illustration by Anders Sundstedt - Sundstedt Animation

This is why we focus on story-based music videos, an actual short film with characters, rather than lyric videos that most agencies make are very simple and are totally dependent on the animated lyrics being the only focus. Of course, if you want a video more like that, i.e. the focus on the lyrics and not the backgrounds or character animations, we can do that as well. It’s something you need to consider and let us know before we give you a quote for your video.

Character Based Animated Lyric Videos by Sundstedt Animation

Music videos that are different, quirky and original

We provide some background artwork and character design samples early on in the production process, based on your basic idea and identity, to give you a preview of the visual style and then work on making all the rest of the artwork and animations to deliver you the final animated music videos.

It is always fun to work with musicians that love our portfolio of work and that are willing to experiment. They are often unhappy with the typical music videos they find done by other agencies, and want their music video to be different, quirky and personal.

animation can be an amazing way to create an awesome music video

Award-winning and affordable

Even though we are multi-award-winning, our prices are affordable, and actually below the average prices in the animated music videos industry. We know this because we have done the research. Simply get touch to get a custom quote. You do need to provide a lot of detail for an accurate quote. And for a final quote, we need a storyboard or script, so we know how complex the video is and what is in the video. Reading your script or storyboard, we can work out how many scenes/shots the video needs, the level of complexity and content.

Animated Video Process at Sundstedt Animation

The goal is to make the best music video we can, every time

Sundstedt Animation have produced nine animated music videos so far since 2017. All loved by the artists that commissioned us and by film festival judges worldwide, including the UK and US. Sundstedt Animation believes in working to make the artists very happy with the finished animated music videos and love what they see. The goal is to make the best video we can, every time.

premium rap video animations by Sundstedt Animation

If you already have an idea, synopsis, vision or storyboard, then please let us know this when you get in touch, because this information together with your budget, help us to provide you with a relevant quote and let you know what can be done within the budget and timeframe. We reply within 24 hours to your email, contact form email or offline chat message.

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