About us and our explainer video animation services

Posted on Tuesday, 12 March 2013

work in progress #1Explainer Video Aanimation Services: We make handcrafted, very engaging explainer videos to tell the story of your service, business or product using animation. By doing this we make your story remarkable. These are your ideas explained in a simple but entertaining way.

Sundstedt is established as a producer of animated explainer videos, creatively communicating stories helping companies world wide tell their story in the most original, unique and engaging way possible. We help you to create amazing demo videos for your startup that will help attracting visitors and promote your service, business or product more effectively, to increase your conversion rates and attract potential investors.

Master Animation Comp_01497Our handcrafted explainer videos are designed from scratch, using no stock artwork, by experienced artists. We also blog about explainer videos, marketing, Adobe After Effects and tips and tricks in creative software such as Adobe Creative Suite. We support businesses in their online marketing efforts with video production services, illustration, animation and content creation services.

Our services include animation, video marketing, motion graphics and online videos. If you are looking for investors and to promote your product or service or new website? Sundstedt.se can help you! We are experienced in creating animated versions of your stories and we can help you produce the perfect video that suits your needs.

Master_1080p_MPEG-4_v5.mov_snapshot_02.46_[2012.05.27_00.43.32]Explainer Videos have a simple but effective way to make technical and complex products or ideas EASY to understand, while we make sure we always achieve this by creating original, better looking and more fun and engaging online videos than our competitors.

After Effects Artist AvailableWe are experienced in Motion Design, Animation and Illustration and we are based in the UK. We specialize mostly in 2D or 2.5D work, After Effects, Photoshop, but we can combine this with experience in 3D animation when suitable. Your unique story matters, it’s important that it’s shared and we can help startups and organizations to be discovered & to be heard by a larger audience using the power of animated explainer video.

With Video Production of Online Video, Animated Explainers, Marketing Videos and Infographics Videos we can helping your business to convey your story! We have proven experience in making your complex product information easy to understand through engaging and powerful visual methods.

AE_bg_v3We know about visuals, animations and we have visualization expertise. We work as producers of handcrafted animated explanatory videos that have our own style and our own design, different from others. The power of animation to explain complex services is truly amazing. We make both Animated Explanations, Infographics, Explainer Videos and Start-Up Videos. Contact us today for a free quote!

Master_02148We use animation to help ideas more fun, interesting and engaging so they are remembered by the visitor. Every project is very important and we love it! We create fresh, simple, while yet totally amazing and original explanatory videos that really can turn complex ideas into very easy-to-understand animations. Explainer video animation services: We create the best explanation videos helping you get across your important message in an amazingly simple yet very entertaining way. We create awesome animated videos that explain things, helping fresh new startups explain their exciting products with cool, fun animated videos.

IMG_0006Our Motion Graphics Designers and Editors create Engaging content for your audience using visual storytelling through animated videos. We make short, animated videos for educating both online on your website or on TV, in classrooms or large screen displays. We use this blog and Facebook and Twitter to link to our latest videos and talk about our services. Simple video, digital, creative, fun!

motion-graphics-marketing-videosAs a storytelling service, we create original characters for each project, we direct the videos and help you embed and share them online! We simply can help your stories go where they need to go, fast and with the highest quality. We cover both Design, Illustration, Direction and Animation. The only thing we don’t normally create is your script or narrative.

We follow the latest in the area of Explainer Video so you don’t have to! We learn from other creative people, we help others and we love what we do.
For examples of our work, just visit sundstedt and get started today!

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