Social media animation production

social media animation production

Sundstedt Animation, social media animation production

We produce regular, short, snappy animated social media videos to help you engage your followers on social platforms. There are big benefits of animated video and social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and more. Eye-catching, fun and aesthetically pleasing social media animations.

animated social media videos

Award winning animation | 10+ years of animations

Sundstedt Animation is an award-winning, leading UK 2D animation studio, delivering high quality, engaging, lean, mean, creative, and effective social media animated videos for businesses around the world. With 10+ years of experience, we Are Experienced in Digital 2D Animations, 2D Motion Graphics and more.

social media animation services

With our Social Media Animation Production service, our animations offer a creative element for companies and can help get your point across for any given situation. When done well, video is more effective than text in communicating marketing messages, and video holds almost every other advantage compared to text.

52% of consumers say that watching a product video makes them feel more confident in purchasing decisions. – Invodo

Eye-catching, compelling & beautiful social media animations

2d animation for social media

Social media animated videos from an Award-Winning Studio in the UK. Experienced Across All 2D animation services with superb testimonials and clients from international brands. We do a range of bespoke animations and different techniques to help make a professional, inspiring and creative video. We are passionate, personal, original, on time and on budget. Our beautiful, fun & cool social media animations make you stand out.

We make powerful short video and animation for social media

social media animation production

Our effective and powerful 2D animations will speak to your audience in only 5-15 seconds (or less). Short videos are better for social media, including Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram because users typically scroll quickly and their time is valuable. Videos are one of the most engaging mediums you can use. We can make your animated video business card, animated gif, intro videos, short video loops, video outros and more.

Social Media Promos and Trailers by Sundstedt Animation

We are experienced in going straight to production, once we know what you need and we have agreed on a budget and delivery time. Our goal is to create social media animations that generate greater brand support, awareness, clicks, and sales for your business, product or organization.

Animated Video – the Best Strategy for Your Social Media

animation for social media - Sundstedt Animation

Reasons why video Is more effective than Text. 1/3rd of all online activity is spent watching videos. Visual information is processed 60,000 times faster than text. Studies show that viewers retain 95% of a video’s message compared to 10% when reading text. You need engagement, and animated video will help you get it. Over 70% of marketers claim that video produces more conversions than any other content. Animated video is an engaging instrument that can help you tell your story. Using video also plays into the strengths of the majority of the population.

Why are videos better than text?

social media animation production - Sundstedt Animation

65% of people are visual learners, and 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. Videos get 1,200% more shares than text and images combined. That is because video is more engaging, more memorable, drives more traffic. Pictures and images are more likely to be remembered than words. People are over 27 times more likely to click on an online video ad than a static banner ad.

Fun and cute social media animations by Sundstedt Animation

Fun and cute animations just make us want to click on them. People love sharing content on social media. And people love sharing videos! People love being entertained, even if they talk business or get educated.

Call us today

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Free consultations available – call us today to discuss your social media animations needs, including education, healthcare, products, and services.

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