Said about the MT Program and its Graduates

Posted on Sunday, 18 March 2007

To give a better presentation of my M.Sc. degree in Visualization, I have got a few quotes about the program and it’s graduates. This is a 4.5 year Program, Media Technology & Engineering with a Visualization Profile, that I studied between 1999 – 2004:

“I’m often asked why I chose to pull up my roots in
California and move to Sweden. While the full story is
obviously long and complex the short version is that I
came because of the Media Technology students! While
working as a consultant for a Hollywood movie house I
collaborated with two students from the Media Technology
program and was very impressed with their abilities.
After arriving in Sweden my expectations that their
qualities were shared by most MT students were confirmed.
The students have a rare combination of technical
engineering skills and creativity, which allows them to tackle
problems in a very unique way. While a solid technical background
is obviously the basis for any good engineering degree,
it is the creative element that truly sets these students apart
from other engineering students. Add a good MT student to
your project and you’ll see magic start to happen ­
that’s what happened to me and several of my industrial colleagues!”

Ken Museth, Professor of Computer Graphics

“I am very impressed with what has been accomplished
here in Norrköping over the past 10 years. It’s been a privilege
to be a part of this exciting development and to work
with so many talented people. Starting from scratch, several
strong research environments with international impact have
been established and a world class educational program in
Media Technology has been created. The MTprogram
has attracted some of the most talented students I have
ever come across, who combine deep specialist knowledge
with a broad understanding of media technology. Combining
this with their excellent social skills, makes them fit for
a wide range of career paths in industry. I have seen our
students end up in the SFX industry in Hollywood and in other
specialized computer graphics companies, but also in
general engineering industries creating added value by providing
expert knowledge in visualization. Working with
these smart and socially skilled students has been the most
rewarding job I have ever had. Hiring an MTgraduate
from Norrköping is a great investment in the future. Trust me; my
own labs are filled with graduates from our program!”

Anders Ynnerman, Professor of Scientific Visualization

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