Resolving Windows 11 Overlapping ShareX PrtScn Hotkey Issue

Posted on Sunday, 14 January 2024

Windows 11 Overlapping ShareX PrtScn Hotkey


Are you facing issues with your ShareX PrtScn hotkey on Windows 11? We understand the frustration when pressing PrtScn opens the native Windows 11 screenshot feature instead of ShareX. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to resolve this overlap and get your ShareX hotkey functioning seamlessly again.

Issue: Windows 11 Overlapping ShareX PrtScn Hotkey

If you’re encountering a situation where pressing PrtScn opens the default Windows 11 screenshot tool rather than ShareX, it’s likely due to an overlap in hotkey settings.

Solution: Resolving the Overlapping Hotkey Issue

Follow these straightforward steps to fix the overlapping hotkey issue:

  1. Press the Win + I keyboard shortcut to open the Settings app.
  2. In the Settings app, click on Accessibility in the left menu.
  3. Navigate to the Keyboard section in the right pane.
  4. Locate the Use the Print Screen button to open Snipping Tool toggle option and disable it.
  5. Now, open the ShareX settings and find the option related to the PrtScn key. Disable and then enable it to ensure the changes take effect.
  6. That’s it! Your ShareX PrtScn hotkey should now work seamlessly without interference from the Windows 11 native screenshot feature.


By following these simple steps, you can resolve the overlapping hotkey issue between Windows 11 and ShareX, ensuring that your preferred screenshot tool functions as expected.

If you found this guide helpful, let us know in the comments below. Share this solution with others who might be facing a similar problem!

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