Tutorial: Rendering Wireframe In Maya 2010

Posted on Thursday, 4 February 2010

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1. Turn off the R option for the BeautyPass layer and turn it ON for the Wireframe layer.

2. In the Render Options choose May Vector. If you do not see it in the list, go to Window > Settings Preferences > Plugin Manager and check the box next to VectorRender.mll. You should now see it appear in the Render options window.

3. Choose the Maya Vector tab.

4. Under ‘Edge Options’ check the box for ‘Include Edges’.

5. Set Hairline and Edge Weight to preference but leaving them set to default works very well.

6. Edge Style should be set to Outlines if you want Quads to show. Changing it to Entire Mesh will give you triangles.

7. Change the Edge Color to anything but black. White works well since you can change the color in After Effects or your favorite compositng program.

8. Close out the render settings window.

9. Right click over your model and choose Edges then select the entire object so that all of its edges are selected.

10. Under the Polygons Menu Set choose Normals > Harden Edge – this is what lets you render the entire wireframe. Not doing this will cause it to render only an outline around your model, kind of like what a Stroke does in Photoshop.

11. Render your scene.

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