Music Video From Hati Malaya Feature Film & IMDB Entry links

Posted on Tuesday, 15 January 2008

merdeka tunku ws

3D modeling of building by Anders Sundstedt

I was checking for a DVD release date of Feature Film – 1957 Hati Malaya I was credited for, when I found this lovely song (music video) from the film on YouTube. My Environmental Artist 3D model (above) is featured in this video at 04:02. Check out the video and listen to the song by clicking here. (picture from the gallery at official film webpage)

A decent quality trailer is also available here where you can spot my 3D model (above) at 01:57 to 01:59.

This film has now been listed on IMDB, check it out here

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Image from official webpage gallery. The 3D model is here visible behind the actors.

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